Thursday, February 13, 2025

You Can't Fathom The Jaw-dropping One Minute Video This Famous Music Teacher Came Up With.

A first you'll be intrigued. Then you'll be blown away.-- SEE IT at

You Should Really Think About Listening To The Revolutionary Three Sentences This Transgender Eight Year-old Found.

The good stuff starts at 0:30. Make sure to stick around till 1:34.-- SEE
IT at

AI sucks

 While I love AI sometimes, sometimes it is an abject pain in the ass! Is abject a real word? Am I using it correctly? I could ask AI but it would probably give me the history of the word object or how to improve my abs and verbosely answer every question other than the one I asked it. 

Annoying.  F.U. AI.  My new word of the day FUAI!

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

You Will Roll Your Eyes When You See What An Extroverted Police Officer Created.

So amazing.-- SEE IT at

You Should Really Think About Watching The Sobering Music Video This Homeless Senator Wrote.

Get ready to spend the rest of the day trying to pick your jaw up off the
floor.-- SEE IT at


 I have a bunch of things i dont want to do on my list of stuff i "should" do.  As well as stuff i would like to cross off my list but have to wait for more info/circumstance to unfold in order to do so.

Weird, because i only make the list to provide some activity structure in my day but then feel bad when i dont cross things off of it. They pile up like notifications but do i really need/want tp do any of these things?

I could prevent things from being added on there but I dont. When o have energy i add to the list. But when faced with doing the tasks, i need copious amounts of caffeine to begin to even want to.

Deep down inside i know there are nearly no consequences for not doing most of these things. Yet i forget i am playing a game with myself. Too bad I am not better and handling the stillness. I somehow enjoy this drama? lol sick. Weirdo.